Our instructors are uniquely qualified to train future police officers as we are all current and retired police officers, with backgrounds in every aspect of law enforcement including: patrol, field training officers, detectives, bicycle patrol, undercover investigations, S.W.A.T. / Emergency Response Teams and academy instruction.

The interview and background instruction we provide will give you insight on how to best present yourself to potential employers.  We instruct on how to perform your best, things to know, and pitfalls you should avoid.  

Our fitness program is modeled after the California Police Officer and Standards (P.O.S.T.) academy fitness programs. Our curriculum is designed by the former fitness coordinator for one of the largest police academies in Southern California.

We provide diet plans, body fat testing, running analysis for injury prevention, running plans for endurance, strength training for push ups and pull ups and even instruction on how to overcome the dreaded 6 foot wall.

Finally, and most importantly, you will have direct access to real police officers who can help answer many of your questions regarding the testing process and what it takes to complete an academy and become a police officer.

Law enforcement is one of the most fulfilling careers around.  Don't let your fitness stand in the way of becoming a police officer.